Data Headaches and Clunky Analyses
PharmaSights all started with one simple question: "What if there was a better way?". Our founder, Alex Bonebakker, started asking this question after becoming increasingly frustrated with how hard it was to serve his life sciences clients. He was regularly hired as a consultant to help set their commercial strategy, only to face one obstacle after another.
An opaque data landscape made it almost impossible to understand which data providers offered what. Complicated TPAs and other procurement barriers meant extracting data was excruciatingly slow. And once obtained, data was fragmented and often riddled with mistakes, necessitating weeks of cleaning. What should have been weeks turned into months.
Then came the analysis. Powerful market landscapes were built and clinical pipelines were assessed. Strong, data-driven insights were generated and strategic recommendations were made. But that too came with problems: Insights were stagnant, stuck in clunky PowerPoint slides the client couldn't easily work with. Market landscapes weren't readily available as a purchasable product, and so had to be custom built. And with no central repository to house his insights, Alex's work eventually became outdated (or worse, lost in client inboxes).
There had to be a better way.
In 2023, Alex sought to solve these problems by founding PharmaSights, an always-available commercial intelligence tool that delivers powerful market landscapes for biopharma commercial teams. It's not a data warehouse, it's not a analytics tool, and it's not a visualization technology. It's all of those things combined, in one cutting-edge platform.
Our mission is to provide biopharma commercial teams with the intelligence they need to develop strategies that win. We do this by integrating disparate datasets into powerful built-in strategic tools our customers love, delivered via cutting-edge technology.